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Infographic: Call center speech analytics.

Analyze Speech in Call Centers

Speech analytics technology is deployed in most customer service call centers to enhance the customer service experience. Essentially, speech analysis technology monitors phone calls and directs call center agents by taking cues from the caller’s natural language. Among other benefits, monitoring keywords the caller has used can bring up the best script for the virtual receptionist to help reduce call time, track agents who aren’t sticking to their scripts, and help identify up-sell and cross-sell opportunities before checkout. Take a look at the infographic below for a quick overview of the technology you’ve probably interacted with and never known!

By now, you’ve probably realized that speech analytics software has been a critical element of most of the customer service calls you’ve made over the years. At the contact center level, this data mining analyzes callers’ needs and identifies operational issues, which in turn creates increased fluidity of the customer support experience. And better calls lead to increased customer retention! What’s not to love?

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<pre><em>Image originally posted on <a href=””>The SAS Blog</a></em>

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